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Set-top box customization: software, device body, remotes

Infomir can customize the MAG set-top boxes' software, packaging, and remotes for its clients. With this kind of white-label offering, the company enables operators to retain their audience, stand out among the competition, and strengthen their brand.

Infomir can customize the MAG set-top boxes' software, packaging, and remotes for its clients. With this kind of white-label offering, the company enables operators to retain their audience, stand out among the competition, and strengthen their brand.

Linux set-top box customization:
from device body to software

Put your logo on set-top boxes and remotes

Infomir can add the operator's logo on the device's body and remote control. Using the device daily, subscribers will always see your brand's logo. The logo placement depends on the device model.

To see what your branding will look like on the device, upload your logo as an image into our online tool.

Error: the file size exceeds 200kb

A .PNG file with a transparent background
(max. 200 kB)
* Because of technical specifics of the printing process,
the final applied logo may differ from the preview.

Show your excellence with original packaging

Unique packaging improves brand recognition and empowers you to present your value proposition in the best way possible. You will be able to showcase your principal benefits, such as the tariff plan details, and the list of channels and pre-installed apps, right there on the packaging.

Create your packaging

Software customization

We add the operator's logo to the set-top box loading screens, tweak device settings, manage updates, and configure security features the way our clients want them. As a result, you get better audience retention, the ability to limit access to third-party services, and protection from tampering.

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Solutions for Android TV™
Operator Tier

Partnering with Infomir and Google, operators can get branded set-top boxes, customized UI, pre-installed apps, and integration with the DRM/CAS they use. The Android TV Operator Tier-based projects offer more possibilities for advertising and monetization.

Customized body, packaging, and
remote control

Operators can put their logo on the device body, customize the stock remote control or integrate a third-party one, and use the original packaging. This way, service trust, and subscriber loyalty can be reinforced.

Onboarding, launcher, and accounts

Customized onboarding and unique UI improve user experience and boost brand recognition.

Pre-installed apps and content promotion

Operators can pre-install their client apps on the devices with no extra effort. The operator's content will thus be always shown front and center in the launcher and search results.

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Why choose Infomir's solutions?

Set-top boxes from a European manufacturer. More than 20 years of production track record. Sales geography encompassing 150+ countries. Over 4,500 IPTV/OTT operators have launched projects powered by MAG set-top boxes since 2001, a lot of them chosen to customize their TV set-top boxes.

MAG Linux set-top boxes
from Europe

The devices support 4K HDR playback at 60 fps—a great choice for future-proofing your projects.

Delivery to over 150

We deliver MAG devices to most countries of Europe, North America, South America, Asia, and Africa.

Remote tech support with
the SLA you need

Infomir's specialists provide advice to operators, update set-top boxes, and do troubleshooting—all remotely.

How customization is done

First, we clarify your requirements, prepare design layouts, negotiate them with you, and then proceed to create custom Infomir MAG box software, bodies, remote controls, and packaging. The final step is the production and delivery of finished devices.

1. We get an operator's request.

Whether our clients request comprehensive or partial branding, we always clarify their requirements first, as well as ask for logos and corporate identity guidelines.

2. Project preparation, layout negotiation

At this stage, we will prepare a visualization of your logo on the customized casing and remote control. We will also check your packaging for printing requirements. Our staff will develop set-top custom launcher and firmware at your request.

3. Order manufacturing and delivery

Once the project is fully approved, the order goes into production. Infomir will install the firmware, manufacture customized casings and remote controls, print packaging, and deliver the order.


Which set-top boxes are available for customization?

You can pick Linux or Android TV MAG STBs to build your own TV box. These are powerful, 4K-capable devices supporting HEVC, six- and eight-channel Dolby Digital, and Dolby Digital+ sound.

What track record does Infomir have when it comes to customization?

We customized devices for over 130 projects launched by operators all over the world.

Do you integrate third-party middleware, DRM, and CAS?

Upon request, we integrate MAG set-top boxes with third-party middleware, DRM, and CAS. Contact our sales department for more information.

Who do I contact with technical questions?

Infomir managers are available to answer any questions you might have, even technical ones. Ask yours via our feedback form.

*Google and Android TV are trademarks of Google LLC.

** Protected by one or multiple standard-essential patents listed at