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Infomir Security Information
Information on How to Report Security Issues
Protecting our customers from security threats is a top priority for Infomir. We are committed to providing our users with secure, stable products and services, while rigorously safeguarding their privacy and data security.
We welcome and encourage all reports related to product security or user privacy. We will adhere to established processes to address them and provide timely feedback.
How to Report Vulnerabilities to Infomir
We strongly encourage organizations and individuals to contact Infomir’s security team to report any potential security issues.
To report a security or privacy vulnerability, please send an email to with the product model and software version, along with a detailed description of the security issue. Infomir will respond to the report within 3 working days.
To more accurately and quickly begin the verification process, Infomir will require detailed information about the reported vulnerability.
Infomir’s Commitment to Security Updates
To ensure ongoing security protection for our users, Infomir is committed to providing long-term security update support for our products. Our commitments regarding product security updates are as follows:
- Long-Term Support: Starting from the product's release date, each product is guaranteed to receive security update support for at least the following periods. During this time, we will regularly review and address any security-related issues.
- Linux STB: 3 years - Update Frequency: Infomir will periodically release security updates based on the specific needs of each product and changes in the security landscape, prioritizing significant security threats.
- Update Notifications: When new security updates are available, we will notify our users through appropriate channels, such as the product interface, email, or our official website
- Android Security Patch Updates: These updates depend on Google's policy. If the Android security patch is no longer updated within 3 years, the associated product will no longer receive updates for that patch. Other updates will follow our policy.
- Extension of Support Period: If the support period is extended, the new support duration will be announced as soon as possible.
- Support Period Stability: Once defined, the support period will not be shortened.
- Product-Specific Security Updates: For security update schedules specific to each product, please refer to the Infomir Product Security Update Dates.
Our Ongoing Commitment to Your Security
At Infomir, we are committed to providing secure and reliable products. We understand the importance of security updates and are dedicated to continuously investing resources to safeguard our products.