Proposition commerciale

Product request

You are looking for a solution:

Select an option, and we will develop the best offer
for you

Your regional manager will answer you

Please select the destination country to continue.

What products are you interested in?

Please select one of the options to continue

Please select the products to continue.

In our response, we want to address you by name

Please fill in the field to continue.

No ads. Our manager will use this email address to contact you

Please fill in the field to continue.

Enter the phone number and the manager will contact you

Please enter your phone number to continue.

Select a business field, and we will develop the best offer for you

Please choose a business field to continue.

Enter your company’s legal name

Please indicate your company name to continue.

Tell us about your project

Please Tell us about your project to continue.

0 / 800

Confirm the details

What products are you interested in?

Select an option, and we will develop the best offer for you

Please select one of the options to continue.

In our response, we want to address you by name

Please fill in the field to continue.

No ads. Our manager will use this email address to contact you

Please fill in the field to continue.

Enter the phone number and the manager will contact you

Please enter your phone number to continue.

Select a business field, and we will develop the best offer for you

Please choose a business field to continue.

Enter your company’s legal name

Please indicate your company name to continue.

Your regional manager will answer you

Please select the destination country to continue.

Tell us about your project

Please tell us about your project to continue.

By clicking on 'Submit', you confirm that you have read, understood, and accept our privacy policy.

Thank you
Your message has been sent.

Our manager will contact you as soon as possible.

  • US North America
  • EU Europe
  • MENA Middle East, Africa and Australia

No ads. We will use this address to contact you

Please fill in the field to continue.

Confirm the details

What products are you interested in?

Select an option, and we will develop the best offer for you

Please select the products to continue.

No ads. Our manager will use this email address to contact you.

Please fill in the field to continue.

We will provide information for your quantity

Please fill in the field to continue.

We will provide information for your region

Please select the country to continue.

By clicking on 'Submit', you confirm that you have read, understood, and accept our privacy policy.

Thank you!
Your message has been sent.

Your request will be processed shortly.

Soyez protégé avec la plateforme TV Ministra

Published on 05/06/2019

Soyez protégé avec la plateforme TV Ministra


Chers clients !


Infomir a toujours été un partenaire de confiance pour vous et vos clients, et il l'est toujours. Dans le cadre du maintien de cette confiance et de cet engagement envers vous, nous aimerions vous protéger contre tout dommage potentiel.

Des experts de Check Point Research ont trouvé une faille de sécurité dans notre plateforme réputée Ministra TV. Des hackers pourraient potentiellement accéder à vos bases de données clients et prendre le contrôle de votre contenu.


Ceci ne concerne pas les dernières versions de la plate-forme Ministra TV à partir de la version 5.4.1


Pour ceux d'entre vous qui utilisent Ministra 5.4.0 ou une version inférieure, nous vous recommandons fortement de mettre à jour votre plateforme TV en utilisant le "Formulaire de demande de téléchargement" ou le service MAGic Solution.

Nous améliorons chaque jour notre solution logicielle pour vous offrir des produits sûrs, riches en fonctionnalités et à jour. Restez informé et vous pourrez profiter de tous les avantages de la plateforme Ministra TV.

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