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RDK-enabled set-top boxes and turnkey solutions

RDK-enabled set-top boxes and turnkey solutions

Discuss your project

Infomir is a certified RDK partner. We provide RDK-enabled set-top boxes and launch turnkey projects.

Operators can order only client devices or receive support at all stages, from technical requirements and set-top box manufacturing through to software customization and integrating devices into their infrastructure.

RDK-V is a platform for modern set-top boxes

RDK-V (Reference Design Kit for Video) is an open-source platform for set-top boxes. It aims to make the launch of new devices easier and speed up the start of IPTV/OTT projects. RDK-V enables operators to:

  • implement set-top boxes with modern UI/UX design and app store
  • quickly create new client apps and port existing ones
  • integrate CAS, DRM, and other solutions

RDK-V is a platform for modern set-top boxes

A free solution with complete control over UI/UX design and data

With RDK-V, operators have complete control over the UI/UX design of their service and save resources on integrating and implementing new features. The platform helps protect data and provides all of the necessary development tools.

  • Control over UI/UX design

    Control over UI/UX design

    The solution enables you to design the launcher and client apps

  • Completely free

    Completely free

    RDK-V is an open-source platform without one-time or recurring payments

  • App store

    App store

    The operator chooses which apps are available for viewers

  • Development tools

    Development tools

    It is easier to develop apps, carry out integrations, and incorporate new functions with available frameworks

  • Data security

    Data security

    All data is fully under the operator’s control, and can’t be accessed by third parties

  • Large community

    Large community

    Since 2009, RDK has gained over 450 partners and powered 80 million devices

We provide RDK-enabled set-top boxes

An RDK-enabled set-top box is a client device that is powered by RDK-V and comes with development tools. Operators can customize the UI/UX design of their devices, integrate apps, implement CAS or DRM, and add other features.

Customers get devices that are ready for customization, while Infomir provides reliable technical support.


4K-enabled Linux set-top boxes with HEVC support


Infomir launches RDK-V turnkey projects

Operators can focus on content whilst Infomir does the development. We will design your set-top box, customize its interface, import client apps, implement content protection systems, and carry out other integrations.

We will support the project at all stages, starting with the tech requirements and manufacturing set-top boxes through to software customization, launch, and technical support.

Three-step project launch

Infomir supports projects in the run-up to and after launch. The RDK-V solution includes MAG set-top boxes, client app porting, UI/UX design customization, and reliable technical support.

Developing the technical requirements

Developing the technical requirements

Operators provide client apps and the UI/UX design layouts as well as describe the features and necessary integrations. We then develop the terms of reference and estimate the timescale and cost of the project.

Manufacturing RDK-V set-top boxes

Manufacturing RDK-V set-top boxes

Infomir develops devices powered by RDK-V and creates a client app or imports an existing one. Upon request, we customize cases, remote controls, and packaging of set-top boxes as well as manufacture and deliver ready-made devices.

Supporting service operation

Supporting service operation

We help integrate RDK set-top boxes into the infrastructure, troubleshoot, update device software, and provide technical support.


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions.

  • Will I receive content together with the RDK-V solution?

    Unfortunately not, as we provide only client devices, software development services, and technical support. Infomir does not distribute, broadcast, or otherwise provide any television or video content.

  • Which set-top boxes are available for my project?

    The answer to the question ‘Which set-top box has RDK?’ is simple — the RDK-enabled MAG set-top boxes! These are high-performance 4K-capable devices supporting HEVC, six- and eight-channel Dolby Digital, and Dolby Digital+ sound.

  • Is the app store available on my device?

    Yes, it is available with RDK-V. You have complete control over the store and add only the apps you need.

  • Can viewers use YouTube, Netflix, and other streaming services?

    It depends on your needs. We can implement YouTube support upon request. To make Netflix, Amazon Prime, or other services available for your viewers, you will need to receive respective certifications.

  • Is my data safe?

    Yes, it is, as with RDK-V, operators have complete control over client devices, service statistics, and user data. Third parties get no information without your consent.

  • Can only set-top boxes run on RDK?

    Originally, RDK was a platform for set-top boxes (the solution is called RDK-V), but soon it expanded to offer support for routers, smart home devices (RDK-B), and video surveillance systems (RDK-C).

  • What track record does Infomir have in launching IPTV/OTT projects?

    Infomir has been developing IPTV/OTT solutions since 2005. Over 4,500 projects in 151 countries are powered by our set-top boxes and software.

  • Do you integrate middleware, DRM, and CAS?

    Yes, we integrate MAG set-top boxes with third-party middleware, DRM, and CAS upon request. Please contact our sales department for more information about integrations and the TV box RDK solution.

  • Who should I contact with technical questions?

    Infomir’s managers can answer any questions you might have, including technical ones. Please send your questions using our feedback form.

Operators’ success stories

Infomir builds video services for Internet providers, religious communities, content studios, and universities globally. We assist everyone who wants to stream content.


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*Infomir does not distribute, broadcast, or otherwise provide television or video content.