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Introducing MAG555 on Google TV™ — Infomir's New Flagship Media Player

Published on 27/09/2024



Infomir presents MAG555, a new streaming media player based on Google TV™, providing users with a state-of-the-art home entertainment experience. The device supports 4K at 60 fps, HDR for vivid colors, and eight-channel Dolby Digital™ audio.


MAG555 combines popular streaming platforms, live streaming, and apps into one interface.Integrated apps like Netflix and Disney, as well as Infomir exclusives Magic Launcher and Ministra PRO, provide easy access to your content. Voice-controlled Google Assistant makes it simple to navigate your viewing experience and smart home devices.


A parental control system and personalized profiles enable you to set up a safe viewing experience for every member of the family. The media player has a powerful Amlogic S905Y4 processor, 2GB of RAM, and 16GB of internal storage. The device supports Wi-Fi and Ethernet, and the HEVC codec ensures high quality video even at low internet speeds.


You can learn more about MAG555’s features on the product page.

We welcome cooperation with dealer partners


We are looking for partners and dealers to distribute MAG555 and our other products. If you have an interest in working with us and want to be a part of a prosperous team, please visit our page for distributors and get in touch.


More than 4500 IPTV/OTT projects in 150 countries are successfully operating based on Infomir TV set-top boxes. The company’s official representative offices and logistics centers are located in Germany, Switzerland, Estonia, USA, and UAE. Through our knowledge and innovation, the Infomir team creates outstanding technological products for the TV industry.


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