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Infomir presents MAG540/540w3 RDK: new Linux set-top boxes on RDK platform

Published on 22/04/2024

Infomir presents MAG540/540w3 RDK: new Linux set-top boxes on RDK platform 


Infomir has released new Linux IPTV set-top boxes based on the RDK (Reference Design Kit) platform: MAG540 RDK and MAG540w3 RDK.


RDK is an open platform chosen by more than 500 technology companies in the USA, Europe, Latin America and Asia. RDK-V (Reference Design Kit for Video) simplifies the creation of new devices and accelerates the launch of IPTV/OTT projects.


Using RDK-V, operators/integrators gain the following benefits:


  • Implementation of set-top boxes with a modern user interface (UI/UX) and application shop into a project.
  • Rapid development of new client applications and quick porting of existing ones.
  • Ability to independently develop the design and functionality of their video service with the creation, testing, and deployment of the solution at a convenient pace and on their own terms.
  • Integration of CAS/DRM and other solutions.

The RDK project is quickly developing due to the active cooperation of developers around the world and now competes with the Android TV platform.


To learn more about the benefits of solutions based on the RDK platform, contact an Infomir representative via the feedback form on the website.