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TV Connect 2015: Infomir showed new MAGic devices

Published on 07/05/2015

Infomir team asked all its partners for a cup of magic to our stand at TV Connect 2015, taking place in London from 28th to 30th of April. We were participating in TV Connect for a few subsequent years and have highly appreciated this event as a perfect occasion to reinforce already existing partnerships and establish new ones.


TV Connect 2015: Infomir showed new MAGic devices


This time Infomir presented new HEVC Set-Top boxes, which are our response to the current market situation, as they are offering the latest technologies to any price segment. MAG257 - successor of bestseller MAG254 – is a high-power set-top box on STiH301 chipset. It includes such progressive features like HEVC technology, Verimatrix enhanced security profile and VideoMark™ Forensic Watermarking that permits to insert watermark in the video output of set-top boxes. MAG350 is a premium IPTV/OTT set-top box on Broadcom processor. This device is replete with up-to-date features that make its performance extraordinary. STB is equipped with bigger RAM and more powerful processor, allowing to enhance the velocity of performance. In addition, it is has inbuilt dual-band Wi-Fi and ultimate Bluetooth 4.0 that give extra connection opportunities. These Set-Top Boxes are now available for a pre-order, and the first consignment is planned for a fourth quarter of 2015.


TV Connect 2015: Infomir showed new MAGic devices


Moreover, Infomir is also glad to represent a new version of free Stalker Middleware (Ministra TV) that is even more simple and convenient to use.


TV Connect 2015: Infomir showed new MAGic devices


There were also represented the already popular models of MAG set-top boxes, including MAG250, MAG254, MAG275 at our stand, that attire a constant interest of stand attendees. Talking about the visitors' flow of our stand, we cannot but mention the substantial quantity of companies that showed an aspiration to become our partners. Negotiations with Broadcom and STMicroelectronics, our long-term partners, about future integrations appeared to be extremely promising as we are looking forward to making even more deals with them.


TV Connect 2015: Infomir showed new MAGic devices


This year, TV Connect proved for one more time that this is one of the most important events for telecom businesses, and this is an evident merit of management of the event. It goes without saying that we are going to participate in TV Connect next year and we will try our best to surprise the visitors with our latest elaborations.