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The Third Millennium TV

The history of Infomir and StarNet cooperation. Learn how in five years of successful collaboration with Infomir, the telecommunications operator StarNet has become one of the largest IPTV providers in Moldova.

StarNet, telecommunication company
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

First shipment:
June 2012


About StarNet

StarNet is one of the largest telecommunication companies in Moldova. They provide a wide range of the services needed in every house and office: high-speed internet, fixed NGN telephony, digital TV, hosting, virtual private networks, hardware installation services, etc.

The company was the first to create a fiber-optic network (Fiber Link) in Moldova. In October 2011 StarNet launched the largest free Wi-Fi network in Chisinau, the Moldovan capital, which now is over 90 km long. In association with city authorities, they provide free internet access to most of the local schools.

The telecom company has won the «Gold Mercury» award three times. This is the highest national award in the field of trade mark recognition in Moldova.

We can state with full assurance that we are worthy of the “Made in Moldova” label. We are 100% local investment, being created on 7th August 2013 by a few enthusiasts willing to change the Republic of Moldova. Simplifying the access to communication technologies and next generation solutions was our way to do that.

On 14th February 2011 StarNet launched an IPTV service based on their fiber-optic networks. In June 2012 they received a first shipment of Infomir set-top boxes. Since then, MAG250 has been the only client device for watching interactive television from StarNet.

The Beginning of Cooperation

StarNet and Infomir share the same goal: to make modern technologies generally available. Willingness to provide only the best services and a customer-oriented approach are among the major values of StarNet. In this project they were looking for suppliers with the same perspectives and ideas. However, to see eye to eye on the issue is not enough for a long-term partnership. The equipment supplied should fully meet customers’ requirements.

Why Has StarNet Chosen MAG?

Performance reliability

The complete production cycle allows Infomir to track the quality of devices at each manufacturing stage. The Middleware was developed specially for MAG set-top boxes. So they work much better than analogs with the same properties but using third parties’ software.

Demanded functions support

StarNet aims to provide the services that meet modern market requirements. A trial batch showed high-performance when playing FullHD content. The software allowed implementing many features popular among users, such as TimeShift, EPG, third parties’ apps, etc.

Open source code

An opportunity to alter the functionality and interface became another benefit for StarNet. The company’s developers have readjusted the interface to match the company style and to make it more convenient for the local audience.

«We’ve been working with MAG250 for over 5 years. For this time just a few units were returned due to malfunctions. Users rarely contact our support service with usage or connection issues. This points to the high quality of the product and positively affects user opinion on StarNet.»

Alexei Munteanu, Marketing Director at StarNet


The company’s developers have fully readjusted the Stalker Middleware to make it look more like StarNet style. Many basic Stalker Middleware features were used as well:

  • Editable channel list – now StarNet offers five tariff packages
  • Video on Demand (VoD) – an access to thousands of movies in HD quality.
  • Timeshift – a user can pause or rewind his favorite show.
  • Widgets – currency rates, weather forecasts, horoscope, latest market indices on a TV screen
  • Electronic Program Guide (EPG) – convenient TV listings and info on ongoing shows

StarNet Today

Our personal fiber-optic network helped to create a modern interactive TV service. Jointly with client equipment from Infomir, it ensured a rapid growth of service popularity. Within five years of cooperation, more than 90,000 set-top boxes were sold. StarNet is now one of the largest IPTV providers in Moldova.

«Today’s success is, in reality, partially due to our cooperation with Infomir. We have ambitious plans and a lot of new projects in development. I hope that our partnership will bring as many benefits in future as it did in past.»

Alexei Munteanu, Marketing Director at StarNet

The Third Millennium TV

Collaboration: Infomir & MultTV brazilian telecommunication company in Latin America - IPTV / OTT solution guide ⭐


How the customized Android™ solution helps a conglomerate of operators with a million subscribers.