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Ministra PRO: March updates

Ministra PRO: March updates


Ministra PRO software was updated in March. The new features will simplify the work with MAG set-top boxes based on Linux and Android. In addition, we have also implemented artificial intelligence to provide better user support. All this will make the product experience even more efficient and convenient.

Automatic login for MAG Linux

Saving users’ time is our priority. That’s why the new automatic login feature will be a useful solution for those who want to avoid retyping logins and passwords for MAG set-top boxes. Just upload a file with the MAC addresses of the devices you want to connect and they will be automatically synchronized.

Quick login for Android

In order to save video service staff from spending hours on manual tasks, Ministra PRO has implemented Quick Login. This means that activating each new subscriber can be done in an instant. Simply scan the QR code with your smartphone and the customer device will be ready for use.

AI support

Sometimes you may need the help of an expert, but a technician is not always available – that’s why the technical support team has been strengthened with artificial intelligence. It’s available to users around the clock and is ready to assist in all matters.


The integration of automated methods and artificial intelligence for support will allow users to enjoy the content even more and make the video service simpler to use.


Ministra PRO: March updates

Ministra PRO without investments: how can an operator get new cost-free middleware?

Launching an IPTV/OTT project requires an operator to invest in market research, equipment, content purchase, advertising, user devices and many other investments. However, Infomir offers a cost-effective solution that allows operators to save money on one of the most important service elements by offering no-cost IPTV middleware.

Ministra PRO: March updates

Future-proofing IPTV with RDK: convenient platform for operators

Every year, telecommunication technologies reach a new level, offering operators effective solutions and TV advancements. In this article we will focus on one of these advancements – RDK technology. We will explain why hundreds of operators choose this solution and why it has become so important to them.

Ministra PRO: March updates

Ministra PRO: July updates

Vacation time is in full swing, and with members of the Ministra PRO team also getting ready to take their holidays, the July digest will be short. For this edition, we’ve gathered together all the major updates for this year so you can browse through them (while hopefully enjoying your own well-earned break!).