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Ministra PRO: January updates

Ministra PRO: January updates


Dry January is not just good for your health, but also your wallet. While it's difficult to say that Ministra PRO can somehow lower your cholesterol or make you lose weight, we can definitely do something to save you some money. To start with, we have re-added a few “saving money” features that were lost on the way towards making a better product: 


1. HLS streams for Tizen and WebOS

Ministra PRO now has two built in players, Shaka and Native. While Shaka prefers DASH, Native plays HLS. If you receive HLS streams and don’t want to spend money on changing the format and streaming DASH, just let us know and we will turn on the native player for you.

Ministra PRO: January updates


2. Playback limit on all platforms

Who hasn’t fallen asleep at least once in front of a good movie ?! But this can cost you money if playback runs for hours… Instead, you can now set up a timer to stop playback if a customer does not interact with any applications. This could save you a few dollars on traffic, especially if you are in the OTT business.  


3. Wowza is back

In addition to Flussonic, we have brought back Wowza. If you are using it for DVR, streaming, and transcoding, you can now migrate to Minsitra PRO and keep using Wowza. 

Ministra PRO: January updates

And a few novelties that make PRO better: 



Recording every channel for 2 weeks and offering this as catch up TV is nice, but it might be quite expensive in terms of storage. With NPVR you can reduce the 2 weeks catch up and give the option to users to record the shows they want to. You can also set up different Tariff Plans with different recording hour limits. This might free up some of your hard disk drives. 


5. Docker and Kubernetes 

Ministra PRO requires a few services like MySQL, Elastic Search, and Redis amongst others to run at its full capacity. With the current architecture able to ensure high availability and reliability for over 3000 customers, the minimum number of physical servers can be as high as 9. However, by using Docker and Kubernetes we can put everything into one cluster and reduce the number of physical servers from 9 to 3. For smaller projects just one server can be enough.

Ministra PRO: January updates



Ministra PRO: January updates

Ministra PRO without investments: how can an operator get new cost-free middleware?

Launching an IPTV/OTT project requires an operator to invest in market research, equipment, content purchase, advertising, user devices and many other investments. However, Infomir offers a cost-effective solution that allows operators to save money on one of the most important service elements by offering no-cost IPTV middleware.

Ministra PRO: January updates

Future-proofing IPTV with RDK: convenient platform for operators

Every year, telecommunication technologies reach a new level, offering operators effective solutions and TV advancements. In this article we will focus on one of these advancements – RDK technology. We will explain why hundreds of operators choose this solution and why it has become so important to them.

Ministra PRO: January updates

Ministra PRO: July updates

Vacation time is in full swing, and with members of the Ministra PRO team also getting ready to take their holidays, the July digest will be short. For this edition, we’ve gathered together all the major updates for this year so you can browse through them (while hopefully enjoying your own well-earned break!).